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Build or Remodel? 10 Things to Consider for Commercial Construction

Build or Remodel? 10 Things to Consider for Commercial Construction

If the time has come for you to upgrade your commercial building, you have an important decision to make. Should you build a new space or remodel your existing structure? It’s a question many business owners end up asking themselves, but one that isn’t particularly easy to answer. We’re here to help you make the best decision you can for your business! Here are 10 things to consider when deciding to build or remodel in the commercial construction industry: read more…

6 Tips for Curb Appeal of Commercial Properties & Why It’s Crucial

6 Tips for Curb Appeal of Commercial Properties & Why It’s Crucial

A good first impression goes a long way when it comes to attracting clients to your business. A positive first impression relies heavily on the curb appeal of your building. Does your property look attractive and welcoming? Or does it look run down and in need of upgrades? By focusing on upgrades outside of your building, you can add value and boost business. Here are 6 tips for curb appeal of commercial properties and why it’s so crucial: read more…

7 Benefits of Using Eco-Friendly Building Materials

7 Benefits of Using Eco-Friendly Building Materials

Green means clean! More than ever, businesses are turning to eco-friendly building materials for their numerous benefits. Eco-friendly construction is the use of both materials and processes that are healthy for the environment and use resources in an efficient manner. Turning to these types of materials offers environmental, economic and even social advantages over traditional building materials. Continue reading as we dive into the 7 benefits of using eco-friendly building materials: read more…

8 Cost-Effective Strategies For Commercial Construction Projects

8 Cost-Effective Strategies For Commercial Construction Projects

One of the biggest challenges of any commercial construction project is keeping within budget. With so many different aspects of a project — from property costs to the final touches — expenses add up quickly. In fact, money-related concerns are often the biggest source of stress when turning a lifelong dream for your business into a reality. You can help keep expenses manageable by following some smart strategies throughout the construction process. Here are 8 cost-effective strategies for commercial construction projects: read more…

8 Reasons to Hire Horner For Your Commercial Construction Project

8 Reasons to Hire Horner For Your Commercial Construction Project

The task of building your business might seem daunting at first.There’s a long list of necessary steps required to turn an idea into reality. That’s why you should trust a team with years of experience tackling all types of projects like Horner Building Company! When you hire Horner for your commercial construction project in the Smoky Mountains you can expect the very best in service, craftsmanship and attention to detail! We’re fully committed to providing the highest level of quality and service along the way. Here are 8 reasons to hire Horner Building Company for your commercial construction project: read more…

7 Benefits of a Commercial Remodel For Your Business

7 Benefits of a Commercial Remodel For Your Business

Much like a home, commercial buildings can benefit from a remodel in more ways than just one. A facelift through the form of a commercial remodel gives your business a new look that elevates the entire experience of visiting. When it’s time for upgrades, renovations not only improve the look and feel of your business, but can also help things run more efficiently and even help to boost your sales! Here are 7 benefits of a commercial remodel for your business: read more…

A Complete Commercial Construction Checklist: 8 Steps to Remember

A Complete Commercial Construction Checklist: 8 Steps to Remember

Completing a commercial construction project requires plenty of planning. With so much to be done and only so much time, a clear plan of action is a vital part of any project. Breathe life into your business with the help of Horner Building Company! Our experienced and dedicated team is here to help each step of the way, ensuring you never miss a task. Here are 8 steps to remember as part of your complete commercial construction checklist: read more…

8 Signs It’s Time For a Commercial Remodel

8 Signs It’s Time For a Commercial Remodel

Is your existing commercial space no longer large enough to meet the increasing demands of your business? Has it been a significant period of time since upgrades were made to your property? These are just a couple of the many signs it may be time your business could use a commercial remodel. It’s more important than ever to have a business that’s both visually appealing and operates efficiently on a day-to-day basis. Here are 8 signs it’s time for a commercial remodel: read more…

6 Things To Expect With Horner in Your Corner For a Commercial Construction Project

6 Things To Expect With Horner in Your Corner For a Commercial Construction Project

There’s only one team in the Smoky Mountains you want in your corner for your important commercial construction project: Horner! Through our years of experience working on a variety of commercial construction projects, Horner Building Company has built a reputation for being a trusted construction partner that you can count on to get your business off and running. When you hire Horner, you receive much more than just a team of builders. Here are 6 things to expect with Horner in your corner for your commercial construction project: read more…

7 of the Top Traits to Look for in a Commercial Construction Company

7 of the Top Traits to Look for in a Commercial Construction Company

The search for the right commercial construction company is a process that can be stressful. There are few things as important when building your business as landing on the right commercial construction company to get the job done. With seemingly endless options, who can you trust to properly breathe life into your biggest business dreams? Looking for a few particular traits in a construction company can help ensure you find the perfect match. Here are 7 of the top traits to look for in a commercial construction company: read more…